Ma Prem Shivani & Michael Fonseca
are proud to present a 7 weekend Tantra cycle dedicated to the 7 chakras.

Shivani (Elien Herwig) found her soul calling in sharing tantra with others.
She is passionate about bringing sex and spirit together and supporting people to find everything they long for within themselves. Having spend many years in Spain and Argentina, she is now living in the Netherlands and also teaching abroad.
She gained profound experiences in tantra and did the Tantra Essence Teacher Training with Ma Ananda Sarita. Besides that, she has her Master’s degree in Spanish and is trained in Hatha Yoga and Mindfulness.
Shivani is a sensitive, intuitive and creative being, who teaches with humour, compassion and enthusiasm – transmitting spiritual practices in a down to earth way.

Michael is passionnate about masage techniques and started to learn thai massage in 2010.
His tantric journey started in 2012. He trained with different teachers in Belgium including Alain Art. In 2014, with his tantric partner, he started to share his experience under the name of Aïon Tantra.
In 2017 he terminated a four year Bodywork Psychotherapist training and in 2018 he graduated Ma Ananda Sarita’s tantra teachers training.
Since then he also joined John Hawken’s tantra teachers training. He now leads groups with a therapeutical vision in Belgium and in Europe.
From Sex To Superconsciousness
From Sex To Superconsciousness
From Sex To Superconsciousness is a term coined by Osho. This training offers an experiential, transformational journey deep into this essential subject.
During each weekend, we will explore one chakra, taking 7 weekends to complete the whole journey.
You are not obliged to attend the chakra weekends in any particular order.
Whenever you have completed all 7 weekends, you will receive a certificate.
Chakra 1 workshop details
Chakra 1. Ecstatic pleasure in sex, being rooted, secure, strong life force, and living in trust.
1st Chakra exploration is of paramount importance for any sexually mature person on the spiritual path.
Our biological urges need to be understood and liberated from shackles of ignorance and unconsciousness. Once freed, this energy is the fuel for sexual fulfillment and for spiritual awakening. When we are able to live the first Chakra with awareness, the huge potential which is inherent in sexual energy opens us up to passionate ecstasy, to freedom of expression, spontaneity, and Kundalini awakening.
Mûlâdhâra – Root Chakra brings lessons:
- Work with themes as Fear / Trust / Sex
- A Short but deep experience of our evolution as a human beings.
- Five stages of spiritual evolution
- To explore your boundaries and sensitivity to your YES & NO
- By expressing our fears we help to open up our positive natural aliveness and joy
- Helps us to open our central channel and move orgasmic energy in and up for full body orgasmic states
- Open and explore our potential in sex life
- Sexual desire, male & female polarities in Chakra 1
- The power of the meeting of opposites
- Grounding, feeling rooted and at home in the body, positive circulation of sexual fire, opening up pleasure pathways in the body.
- Multidimensional opening of all energy path ways / sex and Samadhi as one
- For men: recognition of three phases of evolution of man and how they are connected to the sexuality
- Pre women: sharing & healing about sexuality / Yoni healing at energetic level
- Recognition of instinctual / animal and meditative way of sexual intercourse.
Workshop themes
- passion
- wildness
- freedom of self expression
- spontaneity
- energy awakening
- instinct
- energy awakening
- instinct
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
First chakra in balance brings
- Ecstatic pleasure in sex
- feeling of being rooted
- secure, strong life force
- living in trust
First chakra out of balance causes
- Greed
- Sex Addiction
- Jealousy
- No Libido
Boundaries awareness
Chakra 2 workshop details
Chakra 2. Joy, laughter, emotional fluidity, a sense of deep sexual connection and profound orgasm.
Working with the 2nd Chakra we open to emotional fluidity. When emotions are understood and accepted in all their variations, Kundalini energy thus has a clear passage for its ascent.
The second Chakra is connected to both birth and death, and the human response to these tends to be fear. By facing the portals of birth and death with deep acceptance, we learn to be fluid and open to change and transformation. The navel is where you receive life from your mother in the womb. After birth, it is still an energetic link to the universal womb, the goddess.
Mûlâdhâra – Root Chakra brings lessons:
- Birth-Death & Emotional Fluidity: the power of yin
- A playful way to experience various breathing techniques which brings emotional release, silence and meditation.
- Through the pleasure of being caressed, you can enter into deep meditation.
- Through dancing and opening up emotional release we create fluidity in our emotional life.
- Second chakra work particularly for men and a different approach for women.
- Be seen and recognized and recognize yourself as Shiva / Shakti.
- Yin way of opening kundalini and dropping in to deep silence and let go.
- Die before you die, that you may truly live.
- Positive rebirth and rewinding of your limbic imprinting on the subject of birth. Inviting the collective into an experience of ecstatic birth.
- Offering the receiver a soft open space where she/he can let go deeply into a very relaxed belly, into unwinding, vulnerability and emotional fluidity.
Workshop themes
- Natural flow of life
- Sensuality
- Emotions & organs
- life cycle
- emotional fluidity
- kundaliny opening
- creativity
- healing touch
- massage and body work
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
Second chakra in balance brings
- Joy and laughter
- Emotional fluidity
- Centredness
- A sense of deep sexual connection
- Profound orgasm.
Second chakra out of balance causes
- Depression
- Hysteria
Boundaries awareness
Chakra 3 workshop details
Chakra 3. Unity of opposites & soul calling, wisdom through experience.
In the 3rd Chakra we take in information and beliefs given by others, and these are digested or not according to whether it is in tune with our soul calling, and whether it has become a lived experience or remains just a mental idea.
The 3rd Chakra is a centre of power, in temporal and political terms. When out of balance it will include all twisted aspects of power, resulting in an aggressor – victim dynamic. Inner division creates stress, and this leads to inner and outer war.
The 3rd Chakra contains the lesson we are learning on a global level right now, how to let go of limiting beliefs and become vast enough to contain contradictions offered by life. Working with the 3rd Chakra we discover unity of opposites in choice-less awareness.
It is here that lived experience becomes wisdom. As more individuals learn the lessons of the 3rd Chakra, the whole human collective will be benefitted. When in balance and blossoming, the 3rd chakra is able to bring balance and wisdom.
Manipura – Solar Plexus brings lessons:
- Becoming Vast enough to contain contradictions. The bridge for this is playfulness.
- Consciously reunite with our original innocent and playful nature.
- As I expose myself in vulnerability in this moment and have it mirrored back by my peers, this helps me to come to my true alignment.
- When beauty (feminine principle) unites with Godliness (masculine principle) we discover the ultimate truth”
- By awakening the chakra system through powerful open mouthed breathing, we pierce through stagnant patterns and open ourselves to the descent of grace.
- Bioenergetics Breath Therapy opens the three locks of sex center, solar plexus and throat. This may give rise to powerful emotional release, thereby opening a pathway into full body ecstasy states.
- By exploring third chakra issues with our own gender, we are supported in becoming liberated and empowered. Through this process, new sources of creativity and playfulness emerge in a delightful celebration of opposites.
- Through sacred theatre, we embrace our creativity and playfulness and use this to transmit the ultimate truth as a shared experience.
- We release the collective attachment to war through psychodrama, liberating us to be able to live wisely instead of annihilating ourselves stupidly.
- Opening your potential to be like a radiant sun through massage and stretching. Let your light shine in your body and aura. Live your true potential.
Workshop themes
- Power & Vulnerability
- Letting go of limitations
- Energy release of Solar Plexus area
- sexuality based on no-ego
- premature ejaculation
- body preparation for whole body orgasm
- awakening of inner fire
- discovering the soul calling
- ability to hold all contradictions
- massage and body work
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
Third chakra in balance brings
- Following your soul’s calling
- Wisdom through experience
- Able to embrace the unity of opposites
- In sexuality experiences of ‘egolessness’ and full body orgasm.
Third chakra out of balance causes
- Fanaticism
- Blind belief
- Following the expectations of others
- Power trips
- Inferiority.
Boundaries awareness
Chakra 4 workshop details
Chakra 4. Loving, nurturing, compassionate, with a big ‘Yes’ to life.
The 4th Chakra supports us in becoming divinely human. This heart chakra purifies incomplete life experiences, seeking to distil everything in the crucible of love.
It is the centre of the inner voice. For example, the English term “getting to the heart of the matter.” The deepest realization from the heart is that we are all one.
The heart transforms blood and also transforms any unfinished business into love. As we open our hearts we experience love as the rainbow bridge between matter and spirit.
The heart is the cross between horizontal and vertical dimensions, the meeting point of both. Moving deeper we discover “I am love” and “Love is God”. The path of love is full of the colours of celebration and opens us to unlimited bliss.
This centre occupies a privileged place in the Kashmiri Tantra tradition, which recommends starting spiritual work from this Chakra as it is the crossroads between the earthly and heavenly energies.
Anâhata – Heart centre brings lessons:
- Loving yourself, loving another, loving the whole, this is the evolution of life on Earth.
- By expressing our pain and anguish in regards to the opposite sex, we are then able to experience a spontaneous opening of the heart, leading to forgiveness.
- A fountain can only overflow if it is first filled with water. By opening to receive love, we are then able to overflow with love without any effort.
- The heart by it’s very nature transforms suffering into love. This meditation is the quintessential Tantra practice, as it transforms poison into nectar.
- By focusing on our female or male positive polarities, we become empowered and are able to fulfill our radiant potential.
- Opening the heart chakra through touch, we are able to embody and become grounded in our experience of love.
- Active meditation inspired by the Sufi Approach to Heart opening.
- Through the chakra opening structures of this dance party, we are able to open to the orgasm of the heart, alone, with a partner and with the whole collective.
- In the temple of the heart, we learn to give and receive adoration. Through this process we discover deepest fulfilment as a human being.
- Meditation originating from Mongolia takes us on a journey from personal love into melting and merging with the universal heart.
Workshop themes
- Deep forgiveness to ourselves and to others
- Universal heart orgasm
- Life in love
- Conflicts transformation
- Massage and body work
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
Forth chakra in balance brings
- Loving, nurturing, compassionate, with a big ‘Yes’ to life.
- Knowing that Love is God.
- Sexually, both partners dissolve into love itself, transcendence of conflict in relationship.
- Orgasm of the heart is divinely physical and yet carries a timeless mystical quality.
- Freshness, sweetness and innocence, with confidence in oneself and in the universe.
Forth chakra out of balance causes
- Cold hearted and inhuman.
- Destructive tendencies.
Boundaries awareness
Chakra 5 workshop details
Chakra 5. Our deepest truth, the truth of our soul.
5th Chakra is a purification center, where we begin to glimpse pure consciousness. It is associated with discernment, creativity and self-expression through voice, inspiration and eloquence in speech.
The thyroid gland is intimately connected with the manifestation of higher states of awareness in our physicality.
From 5th chakra consciousness – we can begin to participate with co-creation – which of course requires both masculine and feminine principles embodied in the Hindu Deity Ardhanareshvara (who is depicted as a being with a body that on the left side is woman and right side is man). This deity in dancing form is Nataraj –who dances all creation into being.
The ego is transcended and we begin to experience oneness, this is self-realisation the first opening of enlightenment, the person becomes a channel for divine expression. Guilt is the feeling that most often restricts this chakra.
The success and failure in one’s life depends upon the state of this chakra. Here the passions are harmonised through manifestation.
Thus meditation on this chakra is often soothing and purifying. It gives a feeling of clarity and lightness. A person focused on this centre becomes a master of words. Our vision extends into the past, present and future.
Visuddha – Throat centre brings lessons:
- The portal to Self-realization. To become a co-creator with the spirit of nature.
- To become a vibration of sound and then melt into the opposite polarity.
- (SHIVA SUTRA) “Hear the sound of your name and through this sound, all sounds.
- Meditation takes us easily into the state of no-mind and meditation by emptying the mind through Gibberish.
- Discover your values and learn to accept the values of others. Refine your values over time to serve your soul calling.
- We can only manifest what we are passionate about. Discover your key passions and articulate them in a way that existence can support you to manifest what you truly want.
- Live the result and the cause follows.
- What lingam has to say to us? What is his true?
- Liberating masculine energy through vocal expression.
- Liberating feminine energy through vocal expression.
- Opening the Chakra system in a dynamic partner meditation.
- A creative expression of what it is to be woman, what it is to be man.
- Become the creator of your own destiny through the dance.
- Explain about the potential of the 5th chakra to offer self-realization, when a person becomes a channel for the whole, ie co-creator with the divine.
Workshop themes
- Creativity
- Ability to express ourselves
- Ability to listen with open heart
- Working with life values
- Repeating life pattern and its transformation
- Massage and body work
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
Fifth chakra in balance brings
- Ability to speak our deepest truth, the truth of our soul.
- To be e a co-creator with the spirit of nature.
- It is masculine in aspect, a center of the male, father principle. In its refined aspect it represents the channeling of spiritual truth and the attainment of the inner guru or self-mastery.
Fifth chakra out of balance causes
- The person will feel strangled in their expression or may have an egoistic and greed based manifestation of creative energy.
Boundaries awareness
Chakra 6 workshop details
Chakra 6. Clairvoyance – physical & spiritual sleep and waking
6th Chakra weekend supports our spiritual health, opens the potential for clairvoyance and supports the intuition.
The gift of clairvoyance opens when we allow to surrender into cosmic consciousness and godliness. Meditation teaches us how to dissolve ourselves into the emptiness, where wisdom can arise from our endless soul.
By using our soul consciousness on daily bases makes our life expanded into field of godliness.
Ajna – Third eye centre brings lessons:
- Intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual unity. Balance of darkness and light within.
- A journey into waking consciousness, subconscious and superconscious aspects within us in order to move forward with an important direction we would like to take in our lives.
- Opening the 3rd eye.
- How to apply silent meditation to daily life activities.
- How to be intuitive and clairvoyant.
- Teaching on the Psychology of the Buddhas.
- A vision quest through chakra dance.
- Imagination as a door into intuition.
- To awaken the soul light including physical and light body.
- From dance to deep meditation with darkness as the guide.
- Sexual union and deep meditation.
- Meditation and no-mind state.
- To sense into each layer of the auric field of your partner, to see and feel the cycles of birth and death and rebirth, to sense a meeting of body and soul.
Workshop themes
- Meditation
- Intuition
- Ability to feel
- Ability to see in the darkness
- Connection of 3 layers of consciousness
- Being on silence
- Intuitive communication with nature
- Massage and body work
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
Sixth chakra in balance brings
- Aligned with your soul, with spiritual direction and clairvoyant ability.
- Seeing deeply into the unity of all beings.
Sixth chakra out of balance causes
- Going through life like a sleep walker.
- Easily manipulated by others.
- Easily brain washed by societal conditioning.
Boundaries awareness
Chakra 7 workshop details
Chakra 7. Meditation & soul mate experience
The 7th chakra weekend is all about super consciousness. Normally, people use a very small percentage of their brain capacity. When right and left sides of the brain merge, the mid brain goes through a sudden awakening, as all the ‘lights’ get switched on.
This leads to the experience known as Mahamudra, the Great Gesture arising from the ultimate orgasm with the universe. Such experience takes us beyond duality into oneness with all that is. We move from personal love, into universal love.
Sahasrara – Crown centre brings lessons:
- An orientation of the journey from sex to superconsciousness is gained by providing a map which is both experiential and understandable by the mind for the seeker of truth.
- A sacred ritual to have an experiential opening and understanding of the 7 chakras
- Nature is our greatest teacher for coming into communion with our inner nature and inner silence.
- In order to transcend the ego we need to shine the light of higher consciousness onto our dual nature.
- Opening and healing of all 7 chakras through massage and dialoging.
- The phenomenon of the soul mate is achieved by moving into process as a couple whereby all the 7 chakras can meet and merge in orgasmic ecstasy.
- Multidimensional opening of all energy path ways / sex and Samadhi as one.
- Unveiling to our original face, the face we had before we were born.
- Discovering our own enlightened being which is already within us as a blueprint.
- Enjoying the Leela (god’s play) of life, which means enjoying and playing with the full rainbow of possibilities as embodied in the chakra system.
Workshop themes
- Meditation
- Unity
- Intuitive communication with nature
- Integration
- Celebration of life
- Samádhi
- Soul mate
- connection
- Massage and body work
Who is this workshop for?
These weekends are residential and open to singles and couples as well. We will explore our physical, energetic and emotional experiences through various tantric practices as meditation, dance, exercises and massage, within a peaceful, gentle and respectful environment. Singles are welcome & couples are respected.
Seventh chakra in balance brings
- Merging into universal consciousness, an open conduit for the descent of grace, verticality is natural.
- Sexually, this chakra brings a feeling of being one with the lover on all levels, one with the whole universe and the discovery of the cosmic orgasm beyond space and time.
Seventh chakra out of balance causes
- Confused as to life purpose and meaning.
- Cut off from source.
- Feeling like an island in a hostile world.
Boundaries awareness
Discover more with our online programs.
Due to Corona regulations, physical workshops are not possible. We have prepared the complex online courses and program for you.
Koningsteen Center – Venue
Oxdonkstraat 168, 1880 Kapelle op-den Bos, Belgium
Website: Koningsteen – center for personal development

Accomodation and meals
Double bedroom (same sex if single guests), breakfast, lunch and dinner + tea during breaks: €165/ person/ weekend to pay on arrival.
Workshops will be held in English, and interpreted into French by Sophie Deprez.